At Ashlee Ann Marketing, LLC

Your brand and social presence gives you the ability to leave a message and an impact on your audience. If there was just one takeaway from my marketing experience, it is that good marketing always tells a story.

Who doesn't love a good story?


Hi, I’m Ashlee!

In December 2016, I received a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Communications and Journalism at Texas A&M University College Station, and a minor in International Agricultural Development. 

I’m from the small town of Granbury, Texas, and now living in Houston with my husband and daughter, and the owner of Ashlee Ann Marketing, LLC. A one-woman operation that helps brands grow.

My career has been in brand and digital marketing – more specifically, social media management, content creation, SEO writing, photography, and strategy.

Other passions include copious amounts of coffee, 70's rock, pigs, antique shops, and houseplants - in no particular order.

Ashlee is great to work with, very honest and reliable. She would be a great help to any social media marketing needs.
— Upwork Client Review


  • Worked with global brands and products to develop a comprehensive social strategy.

  • Implemented and launched brand re-designs and effective marketing strategies.

  • Curated fresh content and implemented social strategy for dozens of brands.

  • Wrote over 100 SEO-packed blogs for clients in a variety of different industries.

  • Coordinated successful influencer outreach strategy on social media.

  • Strategized and managed paid advertising campaigns.

  • Wrote detailed copy for several websites.

  • Published a front page article in a local magazine.

  • Created custom newsletter funnels to generate clicks and leads.